Latest News

May 19

U3A Science Technology & Society Network – Annual Summer Seminar

This will take place at Harper Adams College, Telford   on   Monday 11th – Thursday 14th August 2014

The programme starts at 2pm on Monday and finishes after a buffet lunch on Thursday. The seminar aims to appeal to anyone with a general interest in science and the world around them and includes a mixture of talks on a wide range of topics, a visit to the Wedgwood Centre, and the opportunity to socialise with U3A members from round the country. Speakers are from among the delegates – volunteer experts and enthusiasts from within the U3A – we would welcome offers.

 Cost £250 residential; £110 day only.  Booking forms and other information are available on the web at  or email to be added to the mailing list.

Topics should include :

Electricity … The industrial Revolution  … The Physics of Colour … Handedness … Newton /Hawking …  Medicines … The Pyramids … Strange/Unusual Vehicles … briefing from Head of Engineering at Harper Adams … useful free software demos …. mathematical games … and lots more

May 15

Digital Photography – New Group Starts – See What you Might Achieve!

Jane Legate has now taken over the running of this group from Peter Molesey.  The course is now full, but Jane is willing to run a second group from her home in Hampton Court.   She is a professional photographer specialising in people and gardens, but will most subject areas.

“Photography is such a wonderful thing to learn about,” she says.  “It helps you to look at the world in a different way and see beauty in unexpected things.  The course caters for all levels of interest:  you can either learn about all those weird camera settings or just keep it simple and concentrate on point and shoot!”
Jane can teach you:
§      digital photography
§      retouching and editing using Lightroom software and Portrait Professional
§      how to make a printed book using free Blurb software

She has made a website for the course and you can see this at:

Please email her at if you’re interested, letting her know whether you have a compact or SLR camera and what you’re interested in photographing.  Send a couple of your best pictures if you can.


Apr 30

London Region Summer School: 29 – 31 July 2014 Full Programme and Booking Details!

The  London  Region  Committee invites  applications  for  the LONDON  REGION  SUMMER  SCHOOL  29th  – 31st  July  2014   at the St  Bride Foundation, Bride  Lane,  Fleet  Street,  London  EC4Y  8EQ.    

There is no theme this  year and  the  subjects are many and varied, with something for  everyone.   We are  also  running 6  workshops  (maximum  22  people  for  each  workshop).    The  workshops last for 2 hours  each  (11.00  – 13.05  and  14.05  – 16.10)  you cannot  choose  workshops  that run concurrently.

Cost:    £90  for the three  days or £30  per  day.    This includes welcome  coffee  and  tea, and  cold  buffet  lunches.

Included in this document  is an application form which should  be  completed and sent with your cheque  made  payable  to   LONDON  REGION.     Your  application will  be acknowledged by  e-­‐mail  and  given  a  unique  number.  You  will  need  to bring  this   acknowledgement with  you when you  register  as  registration  will  only  be  by  your  unique  number.    If  you  are  not  on  e-­‐mail,  please send a SAE with your application form and cheque.

Also  included:  a  full  programme  for  the  three  days,  a  map  showing  the  location  of  the  venue  and  a  list  of  speakers  giving,  in some  cases, additional  information  so  please  read  carefully.

Please keep a record of your choices.

Any  queries  please  contact  Gwen  Wright:-­‐  or  telephone  020  8864  9019. 

London U3A Summer School Programme 2014

Dec 13

The ‘YOMP’ Fund Raising Walk for the Royal Star and Garter Home May 2014

You may be aware The Royal Star & Garter Homes have moved to Surbiton from Richmond Hill. The ‘Yomp’ is a fund raising event for the charity of 6 or 15 miles on May 11th 2014.
The route will take in many local landmarks of Richmond park, Wimbledon common and the towpath and aims to provide an all day activity for familes, friends and all ages.

Below would be someting suitable to send to members:
Family fun day out for all ages commemorating, remembering and raising funds for The Royal Star & Garter Homes who have moved to new premises in Surbiton. This is presently Richmonds only WW1 centenary event for 2014.

The Royal Star & Garter Homes was established in 1916 to care for the severely disabled young men returning from the battlegrounds of the First World War. Today we provide brilliant care to the whole military family in our friendly, modern and comfortable homes.

There are 6 mile and 15 mile options. The 6 mile is largely flat and takes in the river towpath and the history of Ham and Petersham.

The 15 mile takes in Richmond park, Wimbledon common and towpath (with a couple of short cut cheats if required!). Notable landmarks are included along the way with plenty of pitstops, refreshments and support.

All entrants receive an event t-shirt.


Dec 09

U3A Fun Video Clips

You may have heard from people who went to the Dec Christmas meeting about some “funny” video clips.  These were produced by Barnsley U3A and were also shown with great success at the U3A National AGM this year.The links are below for you to enjoy them either for the first time or as a repeat.

Olympic Synchronised Swimming – U3A

Barnsley U3A Anthem