Latest News

Aug 08

Membership Renewals – Kingston U3A

This year there will be 3 methods of distributing Membership Cards: 1. Fill in the enclosed green renewal form and send with a cheque and small self-seal stamped addressed envelope to Jane Hoyland this week. 2. Or fill in the form and bring to a Monthly Meeting with a cheque, preferably on Monday 7 September or 5 October, rather than leaving until later. 3. As a new experiment, if you have already set up a Standing Order to pay on 1 October, we are sending your card with this Autumn Newsletter. These 60 people will not need to complete a renewal form. If your details have changed (e.g. address or Gift Aid status) please let Linda Foreman know.

People who wish to join the Standing Order scheme for the first time this year should arrange this with their banks for 1 October, then fill in the renewal form and send it to Jane Hoyland with an s.a.e. or bring it to a Monthly Meeting as above. We will adjust the records for next year to save you time and postage.

We send this Autumn Newsletter in print to everyone, whether or not they usually have communications by email only.

Aug 06

U3A Explores Science at the Royal Institution – Monday 5th October

Events Update

U3A Explores Science at the Ri

The programme for the Autumn event at the Royal Institution has now been released and you may now book your place. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis so book now!

Download programme
Book tickets
Copyright © 2015 The Third Age Trust, All rights reserved.
Jul 10

U3A SW London Consortium Participatory Study Day – World War II in SW London


United Reform Church, Eden Street, Kingston upon Thames Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Please come with memorabilia from WW II and any memories or experiences you would like to share. There will be music and images from the period and several talks on the following topics:

War time uses of Richmond and Bushy Parks. Life in SouthWest London during the war. Rationing of food and other items. Bombing in the Wimbledon area.

Speakers: Max Lankester Pieter Morpurgho Norman Plastow Amy Graham


Registration and tea and coffee (free)10-10.30. First session: talks and questions 10.30 –12.30. Lunch: 12.30 -1.45. Cafes and restaurants nearby, or bring packed lunch. (Tea and coffee available. ) Afternoon session: 1.45 –3.30. Fourth talk.

This will be followed by Susan Leigh describing evacuation experiences in Wandsworth, to introduce the “Show and Tell” session.


Application Form: Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………… U3A……………………………………..Email address………………………………………….. If no email please enclose a s.a.e. with your cheque £8, payable to Wandsworth U3A Send to: Elinor Parker, 16, Alric Avenue, New Malden, KT3 4JN

Nov 25

OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY Events in 2016 (More Coherent if you Click on Read More))

Date & Events 201619

19 January

Planting of birch tree on Queens Promenade by the mayor with a plaque commemorating the event.Date TBA

1 Feb

Commemorative Presentation to senior Kingston U3A members at the monthly meeting.

7 March

(Monthly Meeting) Speaker from the V & A to speak on silver

11 May

Tea at Warren House 3.00pm

10 and 16 June

River trips: starting at Kingston, lunch at Thames Ditton, then by boat from Windsor to Runnymede

14 July

Lunch at Warren House 12.30 for 1.00pm

6, 7 and 8 September

High-speed boat trips on the Thames

14 September

Walk, (one long, 5hrs+; one medium, 1hr+; and one short, 45mins) in Richmond Park

26 October

Kingston U3A fair at United Reformed Church – a day event to show Kingston what we are up to

5 December

Retrospective slide presentation of the year’s events at the December monthly meeting

Date TBA

Kingston U3A Singers concert


Nov 01

Stanley Picker Gallery & Dorich House Museum – Relaunch Oct 2015

The Russian artist Dora Gordine (1895-1991) is one of the main protagonists and principal subjects of our upcoming 2015/16 programme, as we prepare for the relaunch of Kingston University’s Dorich House Museum in October. Following the Postgraduate shows in Fine Art and Photography (22-26 Sept), the Stanley Picker Gallery will be staging Dora (8 Oct-28 Nov) with artists Fiona Banner, Cullinan Richards, Hilary Lloyd and Nicole Wermers each selecting objects from Dorich House Museum’s collections to be shown alongside works of their own…more