Latest News

Jun 21

A Phd Research Request from Kingston University – Age Related Decline in Memory !

Dear U3A Members

My name is Zoë McHayle and I am a first year PhD psychology student at Kingston University London. I am writing this letter to you as I am looking for retired and/or semi-retired healthy adults to participate in my study from 1st July 2016 to 30th September 2016. I will be investigating age-related decline in visuospatial working memory and visuospatial attention. I will be using technology such as eye trackers and the experiment will include memory tasks and visual search tasks.
If this study sounds like an activity that your members would be happy to take part in I would really appreciate hearing from you. Please send an email to and I will be happy to give you further details on the aims and design of my study and potential dates.

Thank you for your time.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Zoë McHayle
Psychology Research Student
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kingston University London

Mar 13

Cleaning Silver – More Information Following Our Monthly Meeting Talk on Silver

Some questions followed the talk on how best to preserve and clean silver and these are  the web links sent by Dr Kirstin Kennedy from the V & A.

Dear Elinor,

Thank you for taking the trouble to pass on these kind comments, I’m really so glad your audience enjoyed the talk.
I must say I rather enjoyed giving it (and while I am looking forward to savouring the bottle of wine you generously gave me on a special occasion, it is nice to be able to enjoy the coasters every day! – I am very protective of my “mid-century modern” dining table!)
Apologies about the size of some of the slides – so difficult to tell when loading them on the small screen what they will be like on the big screen. (Oh for the days of real slides…)
I am not very used to handling a mike, and clearly my attempts to strike a balance between booming and pleasantly audible didn’t always work. Maybe one solution is simply to tell your next speaker to arrive in time for a warm-up, so he/she can get used to it, and you can check the decibels from the back of the hall.
Just a post-script to a couple of questions I was asked … you wanted to know about regimental silver.  A colleague suggests contacting the National Army Museum, who now look after all the regimental museums:
And a lady asked about cleaning silver: this is the link to the page on the practical side of the subject written by our conservators:

Many thanks again for cheering up my Friday!

Jan 13

Feb 21st U3A Study Day:How shopping & shops have changed locally in 50years

Tuesday,February 21st 10.30 – 3.30

Speakers have been invited from Ely’s, John Lewis, Bentalls and

Tudor Williams. There will be a display and a report from a Shared Learning Project looking at the same topic, with historical pictures and records of memo- ries of our areas.
Venue; Richard Mayo Hall, United Re- formed Church, Eden Street, Kingston upon Thames.

Cost £8: includes tea, coffee and biscuits on arrival and free fin- ger food light
buffet lunch !
Send your cheque, for £8, made payable to Richmond U3A and say which U3A you are in, plus your name and email
to: Jen Cobb,
286 Merton Rd, SW18 5JN You must enclose a s.a.e for confirmation if no email ad- dress!

Tea, coffee and biscuits on arrival for registration from 10.30 t0 11am. Session starts 11 a.m and finishes 3.30p.m.

Please cut out the form below and send it to the address above .

I would like to attend the study Day on February 21st. I am enclosing a cheque for £8 payable to Richmond U3A. My U3A is…………………………………………..
My name is……………………………………………………………………………………………………. My dietary requirements are……………………………………………………………………………. My phone number is………………………………………………………………………………………. My email is…………………………………………………….Or I am enclosing a SAE.

Aug 28

Communal Gardening

Kingston Council are keen to support a volunteer group which would maintain/care for a part of a park/public space – pruning, weeding etc.  This sounds a worthwhile initiative.

Anyone interested please contact: The Green Spaces Officer:    or    alternatively our Stewart Keating:

Aug 24

Kingston U3A AGM 2015 – Advance Notification

Notice of 2015 AGM

In accordance with the constitution of the U3A, notice is hereby given that the AGM of Kingston U3A will take place at the Mayo Hall, The United Reformed Church, Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1HZ, at 1.30pm on Monday 2 November 2015.  Joy Garvey Secretary

Nominations for Committee Members

We welcome applications from current members interested in joining our active Executive Committee to help run our highly successful U3A.

A form is available on our website, or you can just send the following information in writing:

Full name of Nominee, Proposer and Seconder, with membership numbers and signatures of all three, to Joy Garvey, KU3A Secretary, 5 Dennan Road, Surbiton, KT6 7RY, or hand it to a committee member, by noon on Monday 19 October 2015.

Nomination Form 2015